Sunday, November 21, 2010


I read somewhere just now that bitterness is frozen anger. Like a thorn which has torn through your flesh and remains embedded in your system. But the nature of bitterness is not just to get into your system and remain latent. It grows with time. It poisons you. Destroys you. It rusts your capacity to love people or forgive them. It makes you stew in self pity and jealousy. It doesn't allow you to wish good things for other people. It cripples your desire to live a happy life.
I know all this because i am a victim of it. I feel like weeping because i am so consumed in this particular emotion life seems a waste to me. To be made to feel loved and constantly receiving the assurance that they love me but then the next moment being made to feel as a liability. It does feel sad. I need guidance. I need help. or else i may soon be driven to suicide.